Out-of-Work but not Out of Luck
UPDATE 5/5/20
SUCCESS! We just want to say thanks to all of you who bought something from the PNDMC Collection. With your generosity we were able to support every independent creative who personally reached out in need of financial help! We also sent money to more people that we knew needed help, which brought the total to four times our original goal! 😳 Since we haven’t had anyone reach out in a couple of weeks we’re going to close this campaign. We feel like we need to shift our focus to reimagining our retail store experience. There are still a lot of challenges ahead for us and we have to make sure we stay focused. As promised, we have been creating like crazy during this time and have several new drops lined up. We are so thankful for you guys in helping us and so many other stay afloat through this! Hang in there peeps!
We designed our PNDMC Collection for three reasons:
1. to encourage our customers
2. to make up for lost store sales
3. to help currently out-of-work independent creators by challenging to keep creating and to hopefully bridge some gaps in their finances
We're setting aside 20% of our sales from this collection to go back to independent creatives. We've already sent money to 25 people! We'll keep sending more as orders come in!
If you're in need of help please DM us on instagram.
We'll keep updating this page! Thanks to everyone who has been sharing and sending us so much support!
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